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Together Housing

Published: Tuesday 4 April 2017
Together Housing Logo

From April 2017 three partner landlords who advertise homes through the B-with-us website will be changing their name.

Green Vale Homes, Housing Pendle and Twin Valley Homes will be known as Together Housing.

You will start to see the change of name and logo on advertised homes and throughout the website from 6th April 2017.

Right to Rent

Published: Monday 5 December 2016

We now have a new procedure that explains our Rent to Rent obligations. The intention of Right to Rent is to ensure that tenancies are only granted to people legally entitled to receive one. To see what documents are required please go to the following Government website:

Keep your contact details up to date

Published: Tuesday 30 August 2016

If you have an e mail address or mobile telephone number please let us have the details. This information can be used to communicate with you quickly.

We will communicate with you via these methods if you have been successful with one of your bids and are being considered for a property. It is important that this information is up to date to prevent you from missing out on a potential offer.

We may also occasionally contact you to let you know that a property is being advertised in an area that you have said you are interested in.

Your contact details are displayed in the pane on the right hand side of Your Account Page on the B-with-us website and there is a facility for you to update them if they are incorrect or incomplete. They are also displayed when you make a bid via the website and again there is the opportunity to update them.

We are no longer accepting paper applications

Published: Thursday 4 August 2016

From the 2nd June 2016 a decision was made that we would no longer accept paper applications and the text below was put on the announcement banner to notify applicants.

In line with other organisations we are moving into the digital age and will no longer accept paper applications.Hopefully this will mean that applications can be processed more quickly. You can apply using the register button above. If this causes you any difficulties please ring us on 0300 123 22 00.